Clean the countertop daily with a soft white cloth and a neutral cleaner or stone soap that is recommended for natural stone.
Clean the countertop daily with a soft white cloth and a neutral cleaner or stone soap that is recommended for natural stone.
Clean the countertop daily with a soft white cloth and a neutral cleaner or stone soap that is recommended for natural stone. Always read the label.
Acidic cleaners are not recommended on stone – and do not use vinegar to clean natural stone, as it can actually etch the surface.
Erin’s marble sells and recommends products from the Grand Quarts line. We offer a product called “Stone Care Plus” that will keep fingerprinting to a minimum that our customers with dark colors love. This product should not be used on honed stone.
Sealer does not change the sheen of the stone – it is meant to soak into the stone as an added protection against staining. Erin’s Marble And Granite seals your counter tops prior to or during installation, but we recommend that you re-seal them 1-2 times per year. Sealers for marble and limestone are different than those for granite, so be sure to check the label for compatibility – and be sure to pay careful attention to the product’s instructions. Erin’s Marble and Granite is happy to specify the correct sealer for your needs – which is available for purchase at Erin’s marble And Granite (pick-up or by mail) and at most home centers.
Please contact Erin’s marble for stains that you are unable to remove, or for current pricing on service call appointments. Appointments may also be arranged on an annual basis for stone maintenance, including re-sealing, caulking, chip repair, etc. Don’t forget to contact us for the full line of products for the ultimate in care and protection of your stone, or whenever you have a question or concern about the care of your granite countertops. We will be happy to send you the products you need if you are unable to pick them up yourself.
We suggest that you avoid placing extreme weight on unsupported areas of your countertops. For example, climbing on an overhang to change a light bulb would be strongly discouraged. Never stand on a sink cutout, as it may collapse under the weight.
Granite is a substance that quickly absorbs heat and distributes it. We recommend that extremely hot pans not be placed on or near small granite strips (up to 8″) due to the fact that there is not enough material to distribute the heat. When placing hot pans on the countertop, you will want to avoid coming in contact with the exposed area due to the extreme heat being transferred from the pan to the granite.
Stone Care Plus 3-in-1 Stone Countertop Cleaner/Polisher/Protector (16 oz. bottle)
A great cleaner/polisher/protector that resists water spots stains and offers no buildup. It can also be used on brass, stainless steel and chrome.
Offers the ultimate in long-term stain protection on all stone surfaces and is exceptionally effective on polished granite surfaces. It is silicone based and leaves the stone looking completely natural and is UV resistant.
Offers maximum protection from water borne stains. It is specifically formulated for honed and textured stone. This product allows the stone to breathe naturally, offers a natural appearance, cures quickly and needs no special equipment to apply.
A highly effective silicone impregnator designed for the Stone Professional. It is suitable for use on all natural stones regardless of finish types. It is fast and easy to apply, cures quickly and offers the ultimate in long-term stain protection on all stone surfaces. It leaves the stone looking natural and is UV resistant.
114D – Disinfecting Towelettes
This product is a disposable towelette that is for use on natural stone. It can be used as a general disinfectant wipe on hard, inanimate surfaces such as toilets, basins, tubs, countertops, etc.
The craftsmanship is what brings a slab to life. It is important to work with experienced craftsman and top of the line machinery to produce superb countertops.
Presenting only the best selection in the market, we pride ourselves with many years of experience, on time service and state of the art machinery.